

So I lied, and re-did the naming format one more time. It really should be exactly how I need it to be now. I'll be updating the front page now each update to indicate the overall totals, but for reference, in case anyone cares about it besides my statistics-needing ass...

Luminosity features a current complete image total of 114 lights, composed of
  • 15 UNIQUE Categories (inspiration from which the light developed) broken down into
  • 29 UNIQUE Types (changes in shape - strongly noticeable!) as well as
  • 59 UNIQUE Variants (types redone entirely in new textures, as well as changes accomplished through filters, all in the name of a new feel to that same light; some are more noticable than others) and rounded out additionally by
  • 26 UNIQUE Alternatives (types/variants which are spruced up with some form of simple cosmetic options like halos or bloom), and completely ignoring the
  • 0 REUSED assets flipped/rotated/turned

Actual summary of update for 3.0 -

  • Added supporting lights designed for use with Nexoness' Chandelier Pack (2 Types, 9 Variants, 2 Alternatives)
  • Added supporting lights designed for use with Stovetop's Antediluvian Architecture (4 Types, 4 Variants) [brought to you in part by Dragonsong and At Both Ends on repeat - REVEL!]
  • Added Grating Category (3 Types, 18 Variants, 6 Alternatives)
  • Added Light Wave Category (1 Type)
  • Added Ultima Runic Category (2 Types)
  • Added Unstable Vortex Category (1 Type, 3 Variants)
  • Adding support temporarily for a second pack containing ONLY PNG files in zip format which should permit users to change rotation orientation/make manual changes to the images and repackage themselves for use until Dungeondraft natively supports these features within the program
NOW TAKING SUGGESTIONS FOR RUNIC LANGUAGE LIGHTS. I have both the regular Ultima and the Ultima Gargish fully mapped out as fonts (in my own handwriting, lol), so I can do those easily enough. I am considering adding Draconic also, however I'm hesitant to do so since it seems like no dictionaries I could find have specific rules regarding their usage of graphemes, effectively nullifying something that's clearly an important part of their language. Or this could just be me and you all don't care if it's gibberish because you'll just tell your players it means whatever it is you want it to mean... BUT STILL. I'm conflicted, lol!


2.0 Notes:

Hey, everyone!

I know it's been a while, but I wanted to go ahead and overhaul a bit of everything and make sure I add content on top. (Oh, and I'm working on some extra stuff now with my new tablet monitor, so as those in Japan say, "Please look forward to it...!")

Summary of general housekeeping:
  • I've gone and TRIED to set up a naming format I will try to stick to for this and future releases. Who knows I might adjust it again later, but for now I'm hoping this works. All the files you knew from previous version are still in there, don't worry! They are just a rose by another name...
  • I'm going to try to summarize what is released now by specifically a "base" light for actually new shapes, then further classify anything else as a variant (with variant counting the base shape ONCE, that is). I don't want to sound like I'm outputting waaaay more than I am, haha.
  • I found a couple of the old lights managed to worm their way into RGB somehow... I hope I've correctly gotten them all updated to grayscale, but be certain to let me know if I missed one. Smaller file sizes are always good, right?
Summary of this release with the above in mind:
  • This release boasts a complete count of 12 different base lights, with a total of 44 variants in total.
Summary for the future of Luminosity:
  • You tell me?! I would love to get feedback on what kinds of lights you guys would like to see. I haven't gotten any feedback so far. Maybe even a rating? :D?
1.0 Notes:

Hi folks,

This is my first contribution to anything community-related, but I'm excited to keep challenging myself over time.

Created some lighting fx for use in Dungeondraft; 12 in the initial set. Be sure to let me know what you think, or if you have general requests for additional ones. I have ideas for more, but I'm still learning my way around GIMP, so I figured this initial set should work for now and allow for more expansion room later. :D

This also includes the "neutral" terrain that I used in the background of the preview image, if that's something you're interested in, though I doubt it's why you clicked here, lol.


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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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