Wonderdraft Installing assets for Wonderdraft


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This page explains the procedure for installing your own custom mapping symbols.

There is an example asset pack on your Humble Bundle download page. Starting with the example asset pack is a good idea as it has a pretty complete structure already with examples of different types of assets.

Basic Steps
To add custom assets into Wonderdraft, follow these steps.

Step 1
Go to this location in your File Explorer.

Windows: C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Wonderdraft\assets\
MacOS: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Wonderdraft/assets/
Linux: /home/<username>/.local/share/Wonderdraft/assets

OS Specific Tips: Windows, MacOS, Linux
Step 2
Create a new folder and give it a name that will be meaningful to you. In this example, the name MyAssets
is used but you can name it however you like. You can have as many
asset folders as you like at this level but the folder structure
underneath must follow a specific structure.

Windows: C:\Users\<User Name>\AppData\Roaming\Wonderdraft\assets\MyAssets\
MacOS: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Wonderdraft/assets/MyAssets
Linux: /home/<username>/.local/share/Wonderdraft/assets/MyAssets

Step 3
Create sub-folders for your assets following the structure found in the Example Asset Pack. You can see the structure here.

Symbols, including mountains and trees, go under the sprites folder. Each sub-folder of the sprites folder must be named according to the type (mountains, symbols or trees) of assets it contains.

Under the mountains, symbols and trees folders you add additional
folders, using names of your choice, to organize your symbols into
categories. See sprites folder.


Assets placed into trees or mountains will be randomly selected as you paint with the Tree or Mountain tools. In the Symbol Palette for these tools, each sub-folder of mountain will show as a selection that represents all the mountains in that sub-folder. The same idea applies to sub-folders of trees.

Assets under symbols are treated more like stamps repeating the same one again and again unless you enable Shuffle in the Advanced settings on the Symbol Tool palette. Each sub-folder under symbols appears as a choice in the Symbol Set drop-down selection.

Running Wonderdraft after you have added your assets creates new metadata files called .wonderdraft_symbols. Inside are various options you can modify.

Also see this wiki page.

OS Specific Tips

The AppData folder is hidden by default in Windows. There are two easy ways to get there:
  1. Type in %AppData%\Wonderdraft in the address bar on your File Explorer
  2. In Wonderdraft, select Open User Folder from the menu.
For simpler long term access you can enable viewing of Hidden Files/Folders in the File Explorer by going to the View tab and checking the Hidden items checkbox.

Library might be hidden for you, but you can do this:
  1. From the OS X Finder, open a new window and go to the users Home folder (hit Command+Shift+H to jump to Home instantly)
  2. Pull down the “View” menu and select “Show View Options” (or hit Command+J if you like keyboard shortcuts)
  3. Check the box for “Show Library Folder” then close the View Options panel
  4. Navigate in the users home folder to see the newly visible “Library” directory

Under Linux, .local is a hidden folder so in whichever Desktop Environment is being used (ie. Cinnamon, XFCE, Gnome) the file explorer will have to show hidden files and folders. In Cinnamon, Nemo is the file explorer and when opened, the View menu option has a check box to Show Hidden Files or Ctrl+H as a shortcut.

Creating a shortcut to the desktop: Hold Ctrl+Shift and drag the folder to the desktop. It will create a shortcut or symbolic link to the folder.

Information from the official Wonderdraft Wiki
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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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