
  1. StormlightArchive

    Realistic Tokelau Islands 1.0

    This map was made for users that are curious about islands that are in the pacific ocean.
  2. T

    Realistic 1440 Europe 1.1

    Map of Europe in 1440,still working on the diplomacy
  3. D

    Realistic Deutsche Ortsnamen - Name Generator 0.1

    Create realistic german names for your settlements and cities. With the release of version 0.1 there are 5.555 possible permutations.
  4. RaianStar

    Semi-realistic Top-down Stairs Path 1

    A simple stairs overlay. It’s pretty basic and works best in a corridor, but I think it does the job well enough ^^ It tiles fine until you start turning corners, at which point, it’s best to fade the end.
  5. Kelatomalacia

    Realistic World map V5.1 5.1

    Countries and cities in reality have been added.(The population may not be correct) Download old versions : V1 : V2 : V3 ...
  6. Mazlo_CG2A

    Realistic Mazlo's Topographic Mountains - Sample Pack #2 1.0

    Following up on my first sample pack, here's a sample set of 20 symbols (PNG files) from my Topographic Mountain Pro Pack #2. These assets only consist of shading (no color). The bottom image is an example of how easily you can color them in Pohotoshop or Wonderdraft. Paint underneath the...
  7. jchunick

    Other Settlements - Name Generator 1.1

    Create Random and Unique Settlement Names! Note: I did not include prefixes and suffixes like New or Town since that can be done by you, the user, for your particular setting. Here is a suggested list you can keep in mind when using mine to generate a unique random settlement name: Prefix...
  8. Mazlo_CG2A

    Topographic Mazlo's Topographic Mountains - Pro Pack #1 1.0

    50 mountain/cliffs/hills assets in PNG format. These are un-colored assets that include plateaus, river to sea transitions, small mountain arm extensions, and more. They blend really well, and you can create some very interesting mountain ranges and land features. Works great with Wonderdraft...
  9. jchunick

    Package Just Deserts 0.9a Beta

    There are five different desert textures in this pack. These symbols are white and their draw_mode in the metafile has been set to sample_color I sourced all the desert images from Important Note: When you first place them down onto a light parchment colour they will be nearly...
  10. jchunick

    Realistic Ornate and Parchment Boxes 1.0

    This set of ornate boxes go along with the ornate frames I made. I have also added a torn edged parchment that scales nicely, as well. These are very high resolution. There are six variations: Ornate box with parchment background Ornate grunge box with parchment background Ornate box, no...
  11. Nexoness

    Realistic Realistic Avoro 5.0

    Avoro for Wonderdraft A colourful theme for Wonderdraft. Avoro is a colourful theme for Wonderdraft. The theme is created to be used by both experts and newcomers of Wonderdraft and can be used for all kinds of maps. The base theme of Avoro includes loads of ground and water colours and label...

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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