
  1. D

    Māori 2020-01-18

    Returns Māori-sounding names. Uses some special characters (such as "ā") and works best in the default font "Times New Roman." Some names have external influence, including many other Polynesian influences, but the names are primarily Māori.
  2. D

    Aboriginal 2020-01-18

    Uses a list of place names of aboriginal origin, with English "tags" (such as "Cove," "City," or "Region") removed.
  3. CroBorn

    Greek namebase - Elliniká (Ελληνικά) 2020-08-30

    This namebase was created using place names in Greece and Cyprus, as well as other places with a translation in Greek.
  4. FearlessRogue

    Realistic Better Ancient Greek Namebase 1.0

    An improved version from the default Greek namebase on Azgaar with more place names and spellings how the Greeks in ancient times would spell the places.
  5. FearlessRogue

    Realistic Biblical Namebase 1.0

    A namebase for generating place names based on locations mentioned in the Bible, specifically Israel/Judea places
  6. FearlessRogue

    Realistic Ancient Egypt Namebase 1.1

    This namebase uses both place names from Ancient Egyptian records and also includes names of Ancient Egyptians
  7. CroBorn

    Estonian namebase - Eesti 2020-07-25

    This namebase was created using place names in Estonia, as well as other places with a translation in Estonian.
  8. CroBorn

    Belarusian namebase - Bielaruskaja (Беларуская) 2020-08-16

    This namebase was created using place names in Belarus, as well as other places with a translation in Belarusian.
  9. CroBorn

    Slovak namebase - Slovenčina 2020-08-05

    This namebase was created using place names in Slovakia, as well as other places with a translation in Slovak.
  10. N

    Manju Gisun 1.0

    This namebase contains traditional Manchu words and place names. Gives strong nomad-flavored names that are different from the default Mongol namebase.
  11. CroBorn

    Hungarian namebase - Magyar 2020-08-30

    This namebase was created using place names in Hungary, as well as other places with a translation in Hungarian.
  12. CroBorn

    Manx namebase - Gaelg 2020-09-02

    This namebase was created using place names on the Isle of Man, UK.
  13. CroBorn

    Czech namebase - Čeština 2020-09-10

    This namebase was created using place names in the Czech Republic, as well as other places with a translation in Czech.
  14. CroBorn

    Maltese namebase - Malti 2020-06-30

    This namebase was created using place names in Malta.
  15. CroBorn

    Icelandic namebase - Íslenska 2020-06-21

    This namebase was created using place names in Iceland.
  16. froggo

    Lithuanian namebase 1.1

    A bunch of lithuanian city names that can be used to generate random lithuanian sounding city names.
  17. V

    Dutch namesbase 1.0.0

    Used names of cities in the Netherlands and Flanders.
  18. CroBorn

    Azerbaijani namebase - Azərbaycanca (Азәрбајҹанҹа) 2020-08-29

    This namebase was created using place names in Azerbaijan, as well as other places with a translation in Azerbaijani.
  19. CroBorn

    Friulian namebase - Furlan 2020-09-05

    This namebase was created using Friulian place names.
  20. CroBorn

    Albanian namebase - Shqip 2020-06-22

    This namebase was created using place names in Albania and Kosovo, as well as other places with a translation in Albanian.

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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