
  1. Gnome Factory

    Drawn Drawn GF Cyberpunk City Streets 1.0.1

    This is the free version of the pack. You can get the full version on my patreon! You want to send your players into the neon-lit streets of night city? Or you need a modern asphalt highway to have a car chase on? These assets are for you! Includes: - Asphalt roads, concrete and pavement tiles...
  2. Gnome Factory

    Drawn Drawn Sci-Fi and Modern Assets (free version) 2020-08-21

    This is the free version of my sci-fi pack, the full version can be aquired by becoming my patron here. They are fully compatible, so the pack can be updated even on old maps if you want to try it out for free first! This pack includes over 170 new assets, the vast majority colorable. Includes...
  3. S

    Drawn Drawn Synecdoche Elevation Pack 1

    Objects and paths used to indicate contours, stairs, ramps and elevations by use of transparency and shading. Note that because the assets consist primarily of black lines, transparencies and white or black shading, it can be extraordinarily hard to see and select the assets from within the...
  4. Z

    Fantasy Mountains 1

    After posting a map in r/wonderdraft, i was asked to upload the assets to this community. Now, these are the mountains used. All assets were created using an iPad and ProCreate. Enjoy!
  5. Z

    Fantasy Hills 1

    After posting a map in r/wonderdraft, i was asked to upload the assets to this community. Now, these are the hills used. All assets were created using an iPad and ProCreate. Enjoy!
  6. Gnome Factory

    Drawn GF Valuables 1.0

    Lots of valuable treasure to fill out a dragon's hoard, noble's house or shop. Includes: - glass display cases - jewelry (crowns, necklaces, earrings, bracelets) - colorable gems - keys - metal plates and cups - small bottles for potions - coins - buttons - more random stuff Also includes a...
  7. I

    Drawn Drawn (BW) Monochrome Pencil Assets (colorable) 1.1

    Aimed at simple black-and-white maps for those wanting something a little more elaborate than dyson style assets but not so different they should clash horribly. 68 mostly recolorable assets in a simple drawn style, divided into weapons, furniture, outdoor/camp and equipment.
  8. I

    Drawn Chickens 1.1

    Contains: -1 chicken coop -assorted nests (3 egg colours, whole and broken shells, empty etc) -assorted nest boxes (single, triple, triple filled with nests, hens, eggs) -2 chicks -3 chickens -3 roosters -ramp for chickens -chicken scratch/feed Currently, nestboxes and nests are for if you...
  9. I

    Drawn Thatched Rooves Lite 2.0

    No more shingles! Six eight twelve twenty-four thatched rooves from a collection I'm working on. CONTENTS: -1x1 roof piece / over window section etc -2x3 small barn roof -3x4 small cottage with chimney -4x6 corner cottage with chimney -8x4 longhouse / large cottage -4x4 round thatched hut...
  10. Gnome Factory

    Drawn Drawn GF Puzzle Room Box Set 1.0

    An asset set for making puzzle rooms. Includes: - 13 lever, button and switch assets - 33 icons - 31 geometric shapes and lines - chess pieces - tile objects - two paths (solid line and wavy line) The chess pieces and the levers are also included as images for making tokens. If you feel like...
  11. Gnome Factory

    Top Down Drawn GF Food and Tableware Assets 1.2

    Lots of Assets to fill out your kitchen, dining room, bar or abandoned dwelling! Let your nobles feel superior with healthy, varied food like salad, fruit or pie! Keep your maps unique with colorable kitchenware! Terrify your patrons with flies and mouldy food like mouldy bread and wilted salad...
  12. B

    Cartoony Bazz's Misc Pack 1.2

    UPDATE V1.2 Added: Hand drawn Transparent Stairs path (same art but removed the color) Version 1.0 This pack contains: Objects: Hand drawn Palm tree (Trunk not Visible) Hand drawn Palm tree (Trunk Visible) Hand drawn Palm leaf Hand drawn Coconut Hand drawn chain outlet Hand drawn Chain...
  13. Kid Inkarus

    Drawn Floating Islands 1.0

    Greetings all, Here are some hand drawn floating islands. Comes in -Symbols -Mountain brushes -With Top edges and without
  14. R

    Other Cliffs 1.0

    This is a set of Cliffs based on the Top Down Mounts produced and released by Zalkenai, released with his permission.
  15. W

    Topographic Whooplaah's Cliffs 1.1

    Modular cliffs, canyons, plateaus, and valleys. Demo Video:

    Drawn Radiacor's Cliffs 1.0

    A bunch of hand drawed cliffs, made to give height to your maps. They are 'sample_color' method to adapt themseves to the color of the terrain
  17. Nexoness

    Topographic Drawn Symbols of War: Battlemap 1.0

    Symbols of War Battlemap Symbols of War: Battlemap is a custom theme for Wonderdraft that enables you to create both simple and stunning looking battle maps in combination with other assets in the series. Make use of the label presets, custom colour palette and theme settings to make your...
  18. Zalkenai

    Drawn The World Tree 1.0

  19. Zalkenai

    Drawn (BW) Chasms 1.0

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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