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  1. Elvanos

    Package Elvanos' Boulder Pack - Mythkeeper 2.0 Compatibility

    Asset pack updated for MK 2.0 compatibility
  2. Elvanos

    Trying to download Mythkeeper

    Hello there, dev-team member here. I am not sure what to suggest as this seems to be a browser/antivirus issue - I never heard of such a problem myself and I am having a hard time replicating it on my end. I would suggest trying to use a different browser to download(Firefox, Chrome, Brave...
  3. Elvanos

    Package Elvanos' Boulder Pack 1.1

    A boulder & rock pack with hand-drawn outlines and textured backgrounds; mostly made for Wonderdraft (comes packed via the Wonderdraft system), but usable anywhere else (all files come as PNGs). Contains with 8 symbols and comes in 9 color tints + 1 sample color tint for custom coloring...
  4. Elvanos

    Landscape(s) Elvanos' Boulder Pack

    Elvanos submitted a new asset: Elvanos' Boulder Pack - A pack containing a number of textured rocks with hand-drawn outlines and 10 color tints. Read more about this asset...
  5. Elvanos

    Package Ralia - A colorful Wonderdraft fantasy theme - 2.1 - Fixed textures

    - Fixed texture seamless tiling for dark and normal theme
  6. Elvanos

    Ralia - A colorful Wonderdraft fantasy theme

    Elvanos updated Ralia - A colorful Wonderdraft fantasy theme with a new update entry: 2.1 - Fixed textures Read the rest of this update entry...
  7. Elvanos

    Package Elvanos' Evil Mountain Pack 1.1

    An evil mountains pack with hand-drawn outlines and textured backgrounds; mostly made for Wonderdraft (comes packed via the Wonderdraft system), but usable anywhere else (all files come as PNGs) - hoping to satisfy the needs of all your evil overlords! Contains with 6 symbols and in 7 color...
  8. Elvanos

    Landscape(s) Elvanos' Evil Mountain Pack

    Elvanos submitted a new asset: Elvanos' Evil Mountain Pack - A pack containing 6 textured evil mountains with hand-drawn outlines and 7 color tints. Read more about this asset...
  9. Elvanos

    Package Ralia - A colorful Wonderdraft fantasy theme - 2.0 - The big update

    Replaced water texture Fixed stain levels Adjusted coasts & freshwater colors Fixed tiling of land textures Adjusted some ground texture tints Added a crapton of colors to the palette Reworked the palette Fixed the fonts Adjusted some labels Added custom paths
  10. Elvanos

    Ralia - A colorful Wonderdraft fantasy theme

    Elvanos updated Ralia - A colorfull Wonderdraft fantasy theme with a new update entry: 2.0 - The big update Read the rest of this update entry...
  11. Elvanos

    Flat Caeora: Blue Sword Games & Elvanos - Map Icons 1.0

    This is an update to a pack originally uploaded by Caeora from Blue Sword Games which can be found here: This version contains: All icons from the original pack, with the exception of the Crater icon in the textured versions (still...
  12. Elvanos

    Symbol(s) Caeora: Blue Sword Games & Elvanos - Map Icons

    Elvanos submitted a new asset: Caeora: Blue Sword Games & Elvanos - Map Icons - A map icon pack with colorable outline & colorable textured icons. Read more about this asset...
  13. Elvanos

    Landscape(s) Elvanos' Volcano Pack

    Elvanos updated Elvanos' Volcano Pack with a new update entry: 1.1 - Polishing Read the rest of this update entry...
  14. Elvanos

    Package Elvanos' Volcano Pack - 1.1 - Polishing

    Removed visual artifacts around the volcanos Smoothened transition of all mountains into the underlying texture
  15. Elvanos

    Package Elvanos' Mountain Pack - 3.1 - Polishing

    Removed visual artifacts around the mountains Fixed some shading Smoothened transition of all mountains into the underlying texture
  16. Elvanos

    Landscape(s) Elvanos' Mountain Pack

    Elvanos updated Elvanos' Mountain Pack with a new update entry: 3.1 - Polishing Read the rest of this update entry...
  17. Elvanos

    Package Elvanos' Snowy Mountain Pack - 3.1 - Polishing

    Removed visual artifacts around the mountains Fixed some shading Removed one batch of snow that made no sense in relation to gravity and laws of physics Smoothened transition of all mountains into the underlying texture
  18. Elvanos

    Landscape(s) Elvanos' Snowy Mountain Pack

    Elvanos updated Elvanos' Snowy Mountain Pack with a new update entry: 3.1 - Polishing Read the rest of this update entry...
  19. Elvanos

    Package Elvanos' Volcano Pack 1.2

    A volcano pack with hand-drawn outlines and textured backgrounds; mostly made for Wonderdraft (comes packed via the Wonderdraft system), but usable anywhere else (all files come as PNGs). Contains 2 symbols All in multiple variations (mountains and volcanos) with a modular system. Comes in 6...
  20. Elvanos

    Landscape(s) Elvanos' Volcano Pack

    Elvanos submitted a new asset: Elvanos' Volcano Pack - A volcano pack with 2 textured, modular assets: In 6 color tints, sample color version and outlines. Read more about this asset...

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Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
making items for use
enter line 2 here
EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
just made my first namebase, lol
ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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