Modern Maps: Networks


Create modern maps and atlases using these network paths!

Modern Maps: Networks is an asset pack with various paths and symbols inspired by Google Maps and book atlases, allowing YOU to recreate plans and overviews of your contemporary cities!
The asset includes custom paths like railways, special roads like bus-lanes, roads, tram tracks and more!
Want a seamless connection between roads? Use one of the connector symbols!

A list of all included paths and symbols included with this asset can be found below.
Do you miss a specific type of path or symbol? Let me know in the Discussions tab!

Mixing with Modern Maps: Theme and Modern Maps: Points of Interest yields easy atlas-style map creation!

To install, just drop the .zip contents into the assets subfolder in Wonderdraft root directory.

Mythkeeper Compatible

Complete set (v1.3.2):
  • Train, Long Segment
  • Train, Short Segment
  • Train, Inverted Short Segment
  • Tram, Long Segment
  • Tram, Short Segment
  • Generic Tracks
  • Monorail/Division Line
  • Cable Car/Twintrack Line
  • Highway, with variants:
    • with Barriers
    • with High-occupancy Vehicle Lane, text marking (HOV) and symbol marking (diamond)
  • Expressway
  • Street, with variants:
    • One-way
    • Bus Lans or Bus Only, text marking (BUS) and symbol marking (diamond)
    • Trucks Only
    • Emergency Services Only
    • Taxi Only
    • Bike Lanes or Bike Only
    • with Tram
    • Small/Dirt/Driveway Road
    • Dotted
    • Dangerous/Emergency Road
  • Wide Avenue, with variants:
    • One-way
    • with Median
  • Direction Line
  • Segmented Path
  • Circle Path
  • Planned Path
  • Excluded Area
  • Parking Area
  1. Exclusion Area with Custom Colors
  2. Parking Area with Custom Colors
  3. Cul de Sac: Thin; Thick
  4. Four-way Crossing: Thin; Thick
  5. Roundabout: Four-way and Three-way, both Thin and Thick variants
  6. Road Connectors/Ends: Thin Soft; Thin Hard; Thick Hard
  7. Simple Tollbooth
  8. Bridge Symbol Half: Short; Long

Image Preview for v1.1:

Modern Maps: Networks

Modern Maps: Networks


First release
Last update

Optimized for
5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

  • Tags
    atlas city highway modern modern maps modern maps (series) one-way path paths road train tram

  • Asset information

      Are you the creator?
      License (Old)
      Mythkeeper Compatible

    Latest updates

    1. V1.3.2 - Hotfix #2

      Changed HVL to HOV on highway high-occupancy vehicle lane path, added road with diamond symbol.
    2. V1.3.1 - Hotfix

      Changed names of the files, so you could see what's it supposed to be. Added some more variants...
    3. V1.3 - Name Change and Variations

      Changed folder name and structure, fixed some duplicates and added some more variation. Refer to...

    Read more…

    Latest reviews

    A must-have asset for those who want to create modern maps! Well made and loads of options!

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    Gimmie Pig wrote on vevedere's profile.
    You might let folks know it can be used underwater and even give them an example - not sure how many people read the reviews!
    making items for use
    enter line 2 here
    EightBitz wrote on Toblakai23's profile.
    Your T23 Banners pack, and your T23's Candles and Lanterns pack have the same Pack ID. This means that only one of them will show up in the list.
    just made my first namebase, lol
    ZeroGNexus wrote on ApprenticeOfAule's profile.
    Hi, I was considering using some of your water paths for my maps, but I share them on Patreon and offer commissions so they'd be commercial. I was just wondering if you had a license for them or something along those lines?

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